Fired Imagination:
Ancient Chinese Ceramics from the Nancy and Ed Rosenthal Family Collection
February 5–July 24, 2022
Gallery 117 [map it]
The history of China is entwined with the history of ceramics. They served a variety of needs—from holding liquids to accompanying the deceased in a tomb—but also were vehicles for artists to imagine new forms and decorations. Nature and the culture of their time provided inspiration and today these give us insights into the daily life and fashions of different periods in Chinese history.
This exhibition, exclusive to the DAI, presents ceramics from the Nancy and Ed Rosenthal Family Collection, ranging from figures to vessels and spanning almost 4,000 years, showcasing how the art evolved over time.
Featured Image: China (Tang dynasty, 618–907 CE), Court Lady (detail), 8th century, earthenware with slip and pigment. Nancy and Ed Rosenthal Family Collection
Featured Image: China (Yuan dynasty, 1279–1368), Retinue with Horse and Cart (detail), 13th–14th century, earthenware with incised decoration and burnishing. Nancy and Ed Rosenthal Family Collection