
Draw from the Collection

Draw from the Collection 2024

Time: Every 3rd Saturday, 1:00-3:30 (Beginning March 2024)
Location: Collection Galleries and Studio A
Ages: 16 and up
Cost: $25 members, $30 non-members
Supplies: Provided
Max Capacity: 12

Dates and Project Themes:

March: Line and Value: Charcoal Drawing
Featured Gallery / Exhibition: Techno-Cubism by James Pate: The Art of Line Painting
Learn the fundamentals of drawing with line, shape, and value through the medium of charcoal. Come prepared to get messy! Explore and experiment with the art of line making as featured in Focus Exhibition Techno-Cubism by James Pate: The Art of Line Painting.

April: Landscapes
Featured Gallery / Exhibition / Location: Gallery 212, Late 19th Century French Art AND / OR Museum front lawn
outside (weather permitting)
Explore the outdoors from the inside out! Learn fundamental composition techniques that artists have used for centuries to create dynamic landscape depictions. Examine the Impressionists’ drawing style that beautifully captures nature in motion.

May: Flowers, Plants, and Trees
Featured Gallery / Exhibition: Gallery 206, Early 20th Century American Art AND/OR Hale Cloister (weather permitting)
Branch out your drawing skills and learn how to capture the intricate compositions of plant structures such as trees, flowers, leaves, grass, and more! A variety of mediums will be explored including graphite, colored pencil, and ink. Come prepared to get messy! All levels of drawing skills are welcome.

June: Architecture and Perspective
Featured Gallery / Exhibition: Gallery 213, 18th Century European Art OR Focus Exhibition: The Quiet World of Edward Hopper
Open doors to new realms of possibilities with perspective line drawing techniques. One-point, two-point, and three-point perspective drawing applications will be explored in this study of architecture and architectural elements. Working rulers, string, and architectural drawing tools is strongly encouraged and experimentation with techniques is always welcome.

July: Figure Drawing
Featured Gallery / Exhibition: Gallery 204 and Gallery 206
Learn the basics of figure drawing techniques while working from a clothed live model and examples of human anatomy and anatomical structures from museum collection paintings and sculptures. A variety of mediums and medium techniques will be explored, including charcoal, chalk pastel, marker, and graphite. Come prepared to get messy!

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