
Yeck Education Programs

The Dorothy and Bill Yeck Education Endowment enables The Dayton Art Institute to offer unique educational opportunities that promote and enhance the development of promising artists.

Yeck College Artist Fellowship

Four college students from greater Dayton area studio art college programs will be selected for this unique fellowship opportunity. Fellows receive a professional growth opportunity through real world teaching experience, access to established museum and arts professionals and support in furthering their individual art practices. Receiving a $1,000 stipend to create artwork(s), the achievements of the Yeck College Artist Fellowship culminate with a group exhibition at the Dayton Art Institute.

Applicants are required to submit:

  • Artist statement of no more than 250 words
  • Letter of Recommendation: Faculty, community members, arts professionals and/or colleagues preferred.
  • Digital Art Portfolio of 5-7 artworks
    • File type: PowerPoint or Google Slides (.ppt, .pptx, .gslides)
    • The file must be named “Artist last name_yeck_year”. (Click here for template)
    • One artwork with title, medium, dimensions, and date created per slide

      Please contact ariner@daytonart.org if you have any further questions about the program or application process.

Yeck High School Scholarship

The Dayton Art Institute is seeking talented high school art students from the greater Dayton area to be considered for the Yeck High School Scholarship program. Students will be selected through a competitive portfolio process and mentored by artists from the Yeck College Artist Fellowship in various advanced art-creating processes. All art materials will be provided. High school sophomores, juniors and seniors are eligible for this program. This program is ideal for any students seeking to develop their body of work or pursue an arts career with an interest in applying for admission into college art programs.

High School Students, along with a parent, must apply through the provided link below. Applicants are required to provide:


  • 1 letter of recommendation from someone outside of their family. (Teachers, community leaders, mentors, etc.)
  • 5 examples of their works of art (Submitted in a PowerPoint template found here. File should be labeled “Artist last name_yeck_year”)
  • Commit to attending 10 classes during the program timeline. 

*Downloads must be enabled for this website to access the PowerPoint template.

Dorothy Myers Yeck Middle School Scholarship Studio

15 talented Middle School (6th and 7th grade) art students from the greater Dayton area are selected for the Dorothy Myers Yeck Middle School Scholarship Studio at the Dayton Art Institute each year. This is a free scholarship studio. Nominees are selected through a competitive portfolio process. Selected students will have advanced studio experiences provided by two local Dayton artists ending with a reception. All art materials will be provided. Middle School 6th and 7th graders are eligible for this scholarship studio.

For consideration Middle School students must apply or be nominated through the provided link below. Applicants are required to submit:

  • 3 examples of their works of art
  • Commit to attending a week-long studio during the program timeline. 

Click to jump to the following opportunities:

College Artists

High School Artists

Middle School Artists

For more information about Yeck programs, please contact Angie Riner at ariner@daytonart.org or Paige Matteson at pmatteson@daytonart.org.

Questions? Contact ariner@daytonart.org
Click here for Fellowship application
Click here Yeck for Portfolio Template

Questions? Contact ariner@daytonart.org
Click here for Fellowship application
Click here for Portfolio Template

Questions? Contact pmatteson@daytonart.org
Click here for Scholarship Studio application

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