
Passport to Kindergarten

Providing AWEsome Moments for your Passport to Kindergarten preschooler

Passport to Kindergarten, an ongoing community partnership, is an initiative that focuses on kindergarten readiness, ensuring that all children in the Miami Valley have the opportunity to start kindergarten at the same level of preparedness especially in regard to literacy and language development.

The Dayton Art Institute, along with other community organizations, serve more than 400 preschool children, their families and their teachers each year.

Last year, the Passport to Kindergarten preschoolers and their families took part in a family event at the museum that included a gallery hunt and art making activity. Nearly 400 pieces of art created by these young artists were displayed during the event.

Watch here for updates on future Passport to Kindergarten initiatives and programs.

For Kids and Caregivers:

Located in The Lange Family ExperiencenterThe Art Place supports the development of young minds through creative play and AWEsome problem-solving activities. Open during regular museum hours.

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